What does adjudication cost?
The costs of each adjudication will depend on the complexity of each dispute. It is important to note however that:
- the responding party will be responsible for the fee to the professional body that appoints the adjudicator
- each party will bear its own costs it incurs in preparing, pursuing and defending an adjudication. These costs are not recoverable
- the costs of the adjudicator are usually dealt with as part of the adjudication decision (i.e. costs should follow the event and the loser pays). Despite this both parties are usually held jointly and severally liable to pay the adjudicator’s costs
How long does adjudication take?
The adjudicator’s decision must be made within 28 days of service of the referral notice although this can be extended by agreement. The tight timescale is designed to enable parties to obtain quick and cost-effective results.
How we can help
Our approach to any disputes is to work closely with the client and consultant teams. This close working relationship is a key element of any successful dispute resolution process.
We encourage early dialogue so that any issues can be addressed before they become a dispute. But should disputes arise we will work tirelessly with the client and wider team to reach a satisfactory conclusion, either through an alternative form of dispute resolution or formal proceedings. Throughout this process we will advise you of the costs/benefits involved.