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Competition litigation practice

Competition is the driving force behind a thriving economy. It not only generates employment opportunities but also enhances the overall well-being of society. By fostering competition, businesses are compelled to optimize their resources and explore innovative approaches to attract customers and expand their operations.

Moreover, competition plays a crucial role in safeguarding consumer interests. It ensures that prices remain affordable, while the quality and variety of goods and services remain high. Additionally, it promotes a level playing field among businesses, preventing any unfair advantages.

In a market characterized by fair and robust competition, businesses are compelled to meet consumer demands by offering desirable products at competitive prices. Ultimately, this empowers consumers, as they have the ability to dictate market trends and make informed choices.

Why competition law matters

Companies do not always play by the rules.

When businesses decide to collude instead of competing, it prevents customers from receiving a fair deal. Cartels harm consumers and disturb economic efficiency.

Companies with significant market power can raise prices above the competitive level to sell their products, even if the quality is subpar. Abuse of dominance often involves imposing unfair prices or other unfair trading conditions.

To prevent violations of competition laws, national authorities have the authority to levy fines on offenders. This is known as public enforcement. In addition, there is also private enforcement, where private parties can pursue legal action.

Significant legislative changes, such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015, have reshaped the private enforcement landscape in the UK. One notable change is the introduction of an opt-out collective redress mechanism, which allows consumers and businesses to easily seek compensation for losses incurred due to breaches of competition laws.

Key contact

Kees Kuilwijk


Kees is a litigation and antitrust consultant in our London office. He has over 25 years’ experience in competition matters, including advising on antitrust damages claims and counselling clients implicated in EU and national cartel investigations.

Why work with us

We provide guidance and legal representation to clients involved in complex competition litigation.

Our team of professionals have the expertise to effectively handle group actions, including antitrust damages claims.

Our primary objective is to ensure that individuals who have suffered loss due to competition law infringements receive the deserved compensation and relief, while holding accountable those responsible for such actions.

Next steps

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