We are appealing for witnesses who may have information regarding the working practices involving the use of asbestos at the Esso Refinery in Southampton between 1970 and 1978.

Unfortunately, our client Mr Colin Walker has passed away and his daughters are now pursuing a claim for compensation on their father’s behalf, and we are looking for individuals who can provide valuable information about the use of/removal of asbestos during his time at the refinery.
If you knew the late Colin Walker or worked at Matthew Hall or were employed by Esso Refinery in Southampton between 1970 and 1978, we would like to hear from you. Your knowledge and experience may be crucial in helping us build a strong case for our client and his family.
Asbestos exposure can have devastating consequences, and it is important that those responsible for exposing workers to this dangerous material are held accountable. Your testimony could make a significant difference in this case, and we urge anyone who can help to come forward.
Please contact us as soon as possible if you have any information that could be relevant to this case. The deadline for filing a claim is approaching quickly, and time is of the essence.