Our Housing Law Conference launched #HJhousing week with an interactive virtual Zoom event, hosted by our Housing Management team. The session covered the impact of COVID-19 on residential tenancies and an interactive discussion on empty properties. The two sessions delivered are summarised below.
The impact of COVID-19 on residential tenancies
Bethan Gladwyn, Head of Housing Management
This main plenary topic, considers possession claims, how (if) the courts are getting back on top, how judges are looking/are likely to look at COVID-19 related debt and arrears, the impact on ASB and the impact on meeting support needs during lockdown.
Empty properties case study
Rebecca Rees and the Housing Management team
The problem of abandonment/dealing with properties after a tenant has died has become more of an issue during the pandemic, especially as possession orders have been impossible. In what circumstances can a landlord change the locks and what are the other options?
We have posted the webinar recording above, for you to watch at your leisure.