Our client Stephen Malarby has spoken of his determination to cycle again following a life-altering hit and run incident, robbing him of his passion and leaving him with a below knee amputation requiring a prosthetic leg.
In August 2022, Stephen went out for a leisurely cycle on a break from his role at the Royal Mail sorting office, where he had worked for almost 50 years. His life was irrevocably changed forever when a car, travelling at high speed, hit him. He was left with catastrophic injuries at the side of the road calling for help, as the driver sped off.
The now 62-year-old was immediately taken to University Hospital of Wales where doctors tried to treat his injuries before transferring him to see specialist consultants in Morriston Hospital in Swansea. After weeks of treatment, including skin grafts and ‘leech treatment’, Stephen was devastated to learn that he had to have his right leg amputated.
Following the life-changing event, Stephen instructed our Serious Injury team to take up his case and help him access the specialist lifelong care and rehabilitation that he requires. At an early stage in his case, the firm secured interim payments, and funding from the driver’s insurers, enabling him to obtain an advanced prosthetic limb and commence with rehabilitation and support necessary to aid in his recovery including carers to help him cope at home, as well as physiotherapy and counselling to get his life back on track.
He is now learning to live with a prosthetic limb with the aid of a walking stick. All being well with his rehabilitation, Stephen has ambitions to get back on the bike with a more advanced prosthetic limb that would better allow him to pursue his hobbies.
He said:
“When I was eventually discharged, I was glad to be back home. I started to make some progress but then I had to go back for another amputation due to a bone infection, so I had to start the process over again– I was very, very unlucky.
“I am a different person compared to what I was just before I got discharged from the hospital. I’ve had counselling and I’m getting the support I need to walk and hopefully cycle again in the future.”
“That day in August 2022 changed my life forever. It’s been an uphill struggle – I’ve had to learn how to get out of bed, get onto my chair, use a wheelchair – all of that. But I’m doing much better. I have started to walk using my prosthetic limb. I’m determined to get on an exercise bike again, walk again, get on a bus again, get a train again.”
Every year, more than 30,000 people receive serious, life-changing injuries on our roads, and there has been no significant reduction for more than a decade. Stephen has generously shared his story as part of Brake’s Road Safety Week (17 – 23 November), this year focusing on the stories behind the numbers and calling for the very highest standard of care for every road victim.
Thank you to Stephen for helping raise awareness of the devastating effects of road crashes on everyone involved.