Ms H’s husband had developed mesothelioma and initially instructed another firm pursue a claim, however this firm were unable to identify the source of his asbestos exposure, and he sadly passed away within 4 months of diagnosis.
Hugh James were then contacted directly by family members, following a personal recommendation, having settled a similar case for a Spanish based claimant.
Hugh James gathered evidence through a variety of sources, and established that Mr H had previously worked for a large company for a number of years within a niche team. It was during this time that he had been exposed to asbestos. The source of exposure was quickly identified due to our previous experience against this defendant.
Prior to diagnosis, Ms H and her husband had both worked full time. Mr H was an experienced carpenter, helping his children to develop properties in his free time, and Mrs H was left widowed with 3 children and unable to work as a result of his death. The damages received as a result of the claim will provide invaluable financial support for the family into the future.