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30 September 2022 | Podcasts | Article by Danielle Vincent

The Jesus Fellowship redress scheme: HJ Talks About Abuse

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This week Danielle and Kathleen discuss the Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme, which was introduced on Monday the 26th of September. The Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme offers fair redress to those who have suffered harm, abuse or adverse experiences within the Jesus Fellowship community. Applications are open until 31st December 2023 for victims to apply for compensation through the scheme.

The Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme includes three schemes:

  1. Individual Redress Payment Scheme
    The purpose of this scheme is to compensate individuals who were sexually, emotionally or physically abused within the Jesus Army. Through this scheme they will also receive a written apology and an acknowledgement of what has happened, an invitation to meet a trustee of church and a provision towards the cost of solicitor fees.
  2. Community Adverse Experiences Scheme
    This scheme is for those who have suffered adverse experiences as a child or adult in community such as being denied educational engagement, social interaction or having childhood comforts removed.
  3. Other Claims Scheme
    This scheme will provide a clear process for employment, pension, national insurance and retirement claims. It is mainly directed as those who contributed to ‘the common purse’, who didn’t receive their personal earnings.

The scheme will cover broad range of potential legal claims and we are likely to see the most claims coming out of the payment scheme.

While there is a broad time frame to submit an application, the abuse team encourage clients to come forward as early as possible.

If you have been affected by the topics raised in this week’s podcast or would like more information, please get in touch with the Abuse team.

Author bio

Danielle Vincent

Senior Associate

Danielle is a Senior Associate in the Abuse Specialist Personal Injury Department. She specialises in representing survivors of abuse and has experience in bringing claims against a number of institutions as well as individual abusers.

Disclaimer: The information on the Hugh James website is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. If you would like to ensure the commentary reflects current legislation, case law or best practice, please contact the blog author.


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