It all starts with the calendar invitation in May. Having barely recovered from the planning and preparation of the year before, it’s time to start brain storming ideas, themes and topics for the next conference. And it doesn’t stop until right up to the day.
In a fast-moving area of law, trends and legislation can change like the wind and we adapt with it to ensure the conference remains up to date, relevant and what the sector wants and needs to hear about.
In our 20th year, things haven’t worked out quite as we planned. Lockdown in May meant the planning didn’t start as early as usual – as who knew what November would hold? We certainly didn’t think there would be further lockdowns and restrictions but here we are. Never ones to let anything get in the way of a good old-fashioned conference, even a global pandemic, this year we have gone bigger and better. 23 November 2020 is the launch of HJ Housing week! Why, I hear you ask?
The Housing Law Conference for us at Hugh James and particularly the Housing Management team, is as much of an institution as it is for the sector. If a “save the date” has not gone out by August I regularly have e-mails checking that there will be a conference and when it is to ensure it doesn’t clash with anything else. Whilst the sector views it as THE conference to be at, it feels as much a part of our year as birthdays and Christmas and it simply wouldn’t feel right to not have it.
Personally, this is my 13th conference and for Becky, her 19th. The day is important for us to catch up with our clients – some of whom we have relationships spanning decades – away from the court room and away from the stresses of the cases being managed. It is also an invaluable opportunity for us to catch up generally on what is going on in the sector, and what the concerns are, to help us shape our services for the year ahead. Whilst COVID does its best to bring doom and gloom, we will do our best to “keep calm and bring you a conference”.
Whilst we can’t be face to face, we will have live webinars. Whilst we can’t have a natter over a cuppa and a pastry in the same room, we will have breakout rooms to do just that – you just need to provide your own refreshments. We will still have guest speakers and in tune with the more flexible way in which everyone is working the live webinars will be spread out over the week. So you don’t miss out on the usual jam-packed content, we will be releasing various blogs, vlogs and podcasts to read, watch and listen at a time that suits you.
We look forward to seeing you.